¿Le gustaría a su hijo servir en el altar del Señor? Todos los jóvenes bautizados de 4º grado en adelante están invitados a una sesión de capacitación… Sign-up here!!

St. Francis Parish volunteers will SERVE a MEAL for the HUNGRY at the Delonis Center, Shelter on the 3rd Friday each month. We need a team of five people on each of the 2 shifts for the third Friday of each month. Sign-up here!!

Ongoing Parish Projects
Prayer Requests: We should never underestimate the power of prayer and the support that we are given knowing that others are praying for us. If you have a Prayer Request, we invite you to enter it. For the next three weeks, your request will be remembered in prayer by the homebound members of our parish. They have made this their special ministry. Remember, no one is alone in this world. We support one another in our prayer.
Seniors @ St. Francis
Fifty-Five & Faster events are educational, devotional, and/or entertaining ways where you can enjoy encountering Jesus, grow in His friendship, share His love, peace, encouragement, and healing and inspire future generations with the legacy of faith, hope and charity.
Stephen Ministers are listeners providing distinctively Christian confidential care for people going through difficult times.
Make a Happy Birthday Phone Call to another parishioner. See: stfrancisa2.com/callers
Write letters or cards ! See: stfrancisa2.com/writers Get creative to write cards for cheering, uplifting, fueling faith, hope and love!!
St. Francis Parish volunteers will SERVE a MEAL for the HUNGRY at the Delonis Center, Shelter. We need a team of five people on each of the 2 shifts for the third Friday of each month. Sign-up here!!

Alpha House Family Shelter May & October.
Serve, with St. Francis, the 5-6 homeless families at Alpha House Family Shelter. Sign-up here!
Food Drives:
In addition our weekly collection we have at least three big drives each year. Join us and help provide food for the economically disadvantaged! (distribute groceries and personal care items to low-income families and individuals at Emergency Food Programs at, Northside, Ann Arbor, and Hope Clinic, Ypsilanti, Emergency Food Program..)

Rotating Shelter, The Delonis Center & hosting 25 gentlemen.
We are very excited about partnering with neighboring congregations for monthly locations this year and welcome volunteers from all of the other congregations in the area. Parishioners from St. Francis Parish are invited and welcome to assist at the other locations. Learn more and Sign-up here!
Donate-a-Day: A Saturday in April or May.
Join with St. Francis Parishioners 9AM to 12:30PM our group will be working together on yard work, planting, trimming, raking, window washing at: Emmanuel House, Home for the Elderly. Sign-Up Here!
St. Vincent Service Ministry, and, Volunteer service project opportunities in our community are available throughout the year. See our SignupGenius for current volunteer options organized by St. Francis Parish St. Vincent Service Ministry.
Looking for additional service ideas and contacts in our community? See our list here.
For More Information contact our Parish Office at parishoffice@stfrancisa2.org or 734-821-2100.