Or, click here if you are looking for our parish Food Drives!
Each year St. Francis parishioners coordinate shelter volunteers for hosting:
Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Shelter
Alpha House – for homeless families
Sign-up Here! October (one week) and May/June (one week)
Shelter Association of Washtenaw County Rotating Shelter
St. Francis new ASSISI CENTER building – for homeless men
Sign-up Here! It’s seven days – one week – long in February or March.
Shelter Task Lists (All task descriptions with detailed additional notes, including our wish list of Donations Needed for Care Packages.)
Scott demonstrates a sleeping area
where we host the Shelter Association of
Washtenaw County Rotating Shelter for homeless men.
“I volunteer at Alpha House because I am so humbled to realize my blessings when I return home to the comfort of my own space.” Crystal
“I believe it is important to give back. I have been blessed in this life, and this simple and pleasant gesture of working at the shelters is one way I can help my fellow man.” Herb
“Somehow I feel closer to God when I help with the shelter!” Catherine
“I enjoy volunteering at Alpha House because there is a pervasive sense of respect and dignity among families, staff and volunteers. I live alone, and find that I look forward to sharing meals at Alpha House.” Janet
“Spending time at Alpha House helps me better understand need. When you meet and get to know neighbors in need of help, it becomes impossible to separate them in your mind from our community as a whole.” Chris
“This is your opportunity to spend time with our guests, twenty-five men staying for seven consecutive nights during the Lenten season. Evenings provide these men an occasion to share a bit of their story, an opportunity to momentarily forget a piece of their story or perhaps a chance to see their story in a new and different light. During snack time, some men will quickly choose a snack and return to their sleeping space on the floor. Others however will spend snack time talking with parishioners. We often find that volunteers come to the shelter expecting only to serve snacks and beverages to our guests. Volunteers leave having served these men much more than food. Their greatest service was time and attention. In return our guests offer perspective, insight and always a sincere spirit of appreciation.” Steve
For more information contact Scott Wright, Parish Outreach, at swright@stfrancisa2.org or 734-821-2121.
Serve a Meal for the Hungry: Prepare and serve a meal at the Ann Arbor Community Kitchen…. located in the Delonis Center Shelter.