Want to follow along with the words for the hymns this Sunday? Click here! Music This Sunday
For more information about any of the below opportunities, please contact our Director of Music, Jonathan Hasey at jhasey@stfrancisa2.org or 734-821-2124.
Music Ministry Calendar of Events (Public)
Adult Choirs and Ensembles
The St. Francis Chorale
The St. Francis Chorale is open to all people ages 14 and up. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. This choir sings at the Sunday 10:30 am Mass, September through June. Director: Laura Bogan, lbogan@stfrancisa2.org
Handbell Choirs
The handbell choirs are open to all people Middle School through adult. They rehearse on Tuesday evenings and play at various weekend liturgies and holy days from September through May. Director: Justin Hammis, jhammis@stfrancisa2.org
Resurrection Choir
Open to anyone who is available to sing at Parish funerals as they occur throughout the year.
The Assisi Ensemble
This ensemble leads the music at our Saturday 5:00 PM Liturgies, with rehearsal before mass. For further information, contact Jonathan Hasey, jhasey@stfrancisa2.org or 734-821-2124.
Sunday 5 Ensemble
The Sunday 5 Ensemble is a combined ensemble of singers and instrumentalists open to age High School and beyond! They rehearse Sundays at 4:00 pm and minister at the Sunday 5:00 pm Mass from September through May. For more information or to audition, contact ensemble director, Jane Panikkar, janepanikkar@hotmail.com.
Taizé Musicians
Open to youth and adult instrumentalists and singers, this ensemble of leads the congregation during the Taizé prayer services during Advent and Lent. The music consists of psalms and repetitive chants.
Parish Orchestra
Open to youth and adult instrumentalists, this ensemble rehearses and plays for particular events, such as the Advent Carol Service and Easter Sunday.
Youth Choirs and Ensembles
High School Ensemble
HSE is a unique musical ensemble and youth ministry for instrumentalists and vocalists in grades 9-12. This combined group utilizes both contemporary and traditional music and serves at the 12:30pm Mass on Sundays, with rehearsal beforehand and a once-a-month breakfast at 11am. Directors: Jacob Page and Ted Emch. For more information, contact Jacob Page at jpage@stfrancisa2.org
The St. Francis String Program
Our Strings Program is open to children grades first through sixth grade, with classes are Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 -4:30 pm. The members play as an ensemble at various school and Sunday 8:30 am Masses throughout the year. There is an incredible benefit to group process instrumental classes and we hope you have the opportunity to be a part of this program. For more information, please contact String Program Director Stephanie Urban, at strings@stfrancisa2.org or 734-945-2985.
Elementary School Choir
Our Elementary Choir is provided for St. Francis school students interested in choral music. This group is composed of third through fifth grade students and meets once or twice a week during recess. The choir studies singing in parts and good vocal techniques. It performs in the Christmas Concert, school Masses, and and other community events.
Middle School Choir
Our Middle School Choir is open to all parishioners in 6th through 8th grade, with rehearsals on Fridays, 3:30-4:30pm during the school year. The choir sings at school masses, several Sunday masses throughout the year, the school Christmas Program, the Christmas Eve 6:00 pm mass, choir festivals, and the Graduation Mass.
Our adult and youth cantors serve the parish by preparing to lead the assembly in many of the sung parts of the Mass, whether by singing the Psalm and other solo parts or by supporting the congregation as they sing. This role does require a basic audition.
Solo instrumentalists
If you play an instrument but just can’t commit to being a regular part of an ensemble, there may still be opportunities for you, as we have need for solo instrumentalists at Masses throughout the year!
Music Events Committee
We are in need to volunteers to assist with planning and hosting various concerts and other performances throughout the year.
Concerts and Performances
We host a variety of concerts and other performances at St. Francis. Visit this page to see upcoming events!