Help Christians in the Holy Land – Collection during Holy Week – Donate Thursday or Friday
We are helping our Christian Brothers and Sisters in the Holy Land with a special collection taken up on both Holy Thursday and on Good Friday.
This is one collection with two days scheduled. We are only asked to give once. Your generosity will help the Christian community in the Holy Land.
For the past few years, we here at St. Francis have generously supported the Christian community in the Holy Land through our Holy Thursday and Good Friday collections. Once a vibrant community, they have suffered greatly from discrimination, immigration and more recently the impact of the pandemic. All of this has intensified the threat that in the near future we might have a Holy Land without a vibrant Christian community- a mere museum, without people.
Last year, we joined forces with St. Joseph Parish, Jifna, on the Westbank. Our gifts showed both solidarity and support for this community during these difficult times.
This Holy Week, I again invite you to join with me in helping our Christian brothers and sisters. Our collections on Holy Thursday and Good Friday will go directly to this community. Thank you for your generosity. –
2024-05-29 collected and sent to Jifna,St. Joseph Parish (Holy Land): $7,500.00
2023-05-09 collected and sent to Jifna,St. Joseph Parish (Holy Land): $8,274.00