Join The HOMEBOUND MINISTRY TEAM, sign-up here!

See our facility services here on TABs cross the top of sign-ups.
Over 15 COMMUNITIES of elderly, immobilized, imprisoned or ill BELIEVERS rely upon the generosity of Catholics like you and me to BRING CHRIST to them at home in God’s WORD, PRAYER and EUCHARIST. This beautiful opportunity for prayer is happening every day of the week at most any hour of the day or evening. May Jesus Christ be praised! Both now and forever!
The HOMEBOUND MINISTRY TEAMs: (Plus Hospitals… note:UM… note:StJoe… note:VA)
Contact: Scott Wright (734-821-2121)
The Homebound Ministry brings the Eucharist to our parish members and other Catholics who are unable to join our community at Sunday Mass. Join our Homebound Ministry and help with some visits as described below here, contact Scott Wright (office:734-821-2121).
Although, the typical homebound members are St. Francis senior parishioners, our homebound visits also include those with physical challenges, ill or persons in rehabilitation. The Homebound Ministers go in person to visit, and may also phone call for Prayers & Spiritual Communion, conduct Communion services at residential care and rehabilitation facilities. The Homebound ministry is committed to serving our extended community. To request a visit by a homebound minister, contact Fr. James at or 734-821-2100.
Become a Homebound Minister
Is God calling you to bring Christ in the Eucharist to those unable to join us for Sunday Mass? Homebound Ministers receive Initial Training and Ongoing Support as they perform this important and rewarding service to others. First, Please ask your Parish Office, to send a “Letter of Good Standing” stating that you are an active Catholic member of the parish trained to distribute Eucharist. (This “Letter of Good Standing” is similar to that required of Godparents before a Baptism). The Letter may be emailed to: , or, mailed to: Scott Wright, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 2150 Frieze Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Also, It’s helpful if you Fill out my online form. Or, ALSO, use this Google Form linked HERE to register as a member of our TEAM. Please use this link!
Learn more and see our schedule and sign-up for our Homebound Ministers.
A Prayer for a Spiritual Communion
A Communion Service for Visiting Those Homebound
Prayer Ministry, Mass Cards and Intentions
The indwelling of Jesus through the Eucharist makes us truly His body in the here and now. The Second Vatican Council calls it “the source and summit of the Christian life” and “the foretaste of the heavenly banquet”.
- Write letters or cards for cheering, uplifting, fueling faith, hope and love among our elderly and homebound members! See:
- Make a Happy Birthday Phone Call to another parishioner. See: