Pregnancy Help

Pregnant? We Care. We Listen
If you think that you are pregnant and you don’t know what to do next . . . We listen, we care! Compassionate care is as close as the nearest telephone for anyone who needs our help. Volunteer pregnancy consultants are available by phone 24 hours a day, to assist women facing difficult circumstances related to a crisis pregnancy. We explore life-affirming alternatives with women, enabling them to make choices that are best for themselves, their future and their babies. Here is our list of helpful contacts.
Help is Near, Just a Call Away:
ArborWoman Health (734-994-8863) Services: Pregnancy testing, ultrasound, pregnancy options counseling, material resource referrals, post-abortion counseling. (more)
Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County (734-971-9781) Services: Pregnancy counseling, newborn adoption, foster care, post adoption services, waiting child adoption. (VIDEO) (more)
Family Life Services (734-434-3088) Free pregnancy test, Limited Ultrasound, options counseling, diapers, cribs. (more)
Hope Clinic (734-484-2989) Did you know Hope Clinic can help parents access free diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, and other items?? We know caring for a baby is heavy in this economy, and Hope is here to lighten the load. No appointment needed, just come by Wednesdays between 4-6, or Thursdays 1130a-130p. We welcome you to come as often as every 14 days!
Let Them Live – – has helped many moms with: rent, utilities, groceries and more. (Learn more here.)
OptionLine (24hr assistance) 1-800-712-HELP (1-800-712-4357) Services: Information re: unplanned/crisis pregnancy, adoption, and post-abortion assistance (more)
Mary’s Mantle , a Catholic home for expectant mothers in southeast Michigan.
St. Vincent de Paul Conferences – or call and leave a message at (877-788-4623 x 5) and the message will be routed to your local conference.
Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (877-88C-CSEM) – – for those seeking professional or other outreach services.
This FINDER MAP for Pro-Life Mission Partner Organizations in SE Michigan is to help connect parishes and individuals.
Hurting after an Abortion?
If you have decided to give up your child through an abortion or if you know someone who has we want to help you. We understand that this is a painful time. You are loved! Contact St. Francis Parish Office, Scott Wright at or 734-821-2121.
Also Project Rachel is a safe place to heal hearts broken by abortion. This healing ministry in the Catholic Church offers opportunities for healing through specially trained priests, professional therapists and Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat weekends. Contact confidentially: (517-993-0291) (1-877-HOPE-4-ME) .
As Your Child Grows Up: Additional Resources For Assistance In Raising A Child.
Here are Links to groups and help sources: Becoming a parish member at St. Francis, baptism, enroll in our parish school and consider programs for children at St. Francis Parish, moms groups, childcare… … Bill’s Group (support for those with developmental handicaps); St. Louis Center: Home – Chelsea (for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.); Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living (CIL).; Partners in Personal Assistance (PPA).
Submit additional links to groups and help sources that are in Washtenaw County to .
Pledge For Life (for distribution happened back on 2022-09-11 at all Masses)
Cherish them Both
We at St Francis of Assisi Parish renew our pledge to support women, regardless of age, marital status, or immigration status, who are pregnant and in need, both during pregnancy, after birth, and in raising the child. Our services may include direct aid and include assistance by referral to organizations dedicated to helping mother and child. For resources, please see our website at:
We encourage our St Francis parishioners to take their own pledge, a pledge that cherishes life:
As a parishioner of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, I acknowledge that all human life from conception to natural death is a sacred gift from God to be cherished and loved. I pledge to support at all stages the gift of life, especially the life of the unborn and where necessary to assist with my prayers, service and financial gifts, both mother and baby in times of need, crisis and unplanned pregnancies.