Monday Evening (6:30 – 8:30 pm) Bible Study
Mondays Feb. 17 – Apr. 7; Facilitator: Wanita Forgacs
Jesus Gave Us the Greatest Bible Study of All Time
The Gospel of Luke takes you on a journey that begins with the foretelling of John the Baptist’s birth and culminates in Jesus’ ascension into heaven. On the road to Emmaus, a story unique to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus gave us the greatest Bible study of all time, laying out his fulfillment of the Old Testament.
In Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled, you will witness key moments in salvation history including the Annunciation, the Nativity, his public ministry, and Jesus’ suffering, death, and glorious Resurrection. There are parables found only in Luke, including the Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan, and the rich man and Lazarus which will show you the mercy and compassion that Jesus has for each one of his children.
In this 8-part study, Jeff Cavins and Dr. Jeffrey Morrow will show you the beautiful Biblical roots for Mary, the Rosary, and the Mass that are found in Luke, strengthening your prayer life like never before.
Tuesday Bi-Weekly (10 – 11:30 am) Bible Study
Meets biweekly, Sept. 10 – Apr. 15; Facilitator: Bill Forgacs
Acts of the Apostles: Church of the Holy Spirit
The most thrilling and adventurous book of the Bible, Acts shows us Christianity being lived for the first time. It takes us to some of the great cities of the ancient world. It introduces us to all kinds of people: apostles, prophets, martyrs, philosophers, governors, kings, merchants, jailers, and sailors. It narrates for us a variety of events: dramatic spiritual experiences, missionary journeys, trials and imprisonments, powerful speeches that provoke dramatic responses, sea voyages and a shipwreck, and the clash of ancient cultures. It invites us to see the adventure continuing on and on in our lives. Part 1 (Fall) & Part 2 (Winter)
Ann Arbor Women’s Catholic Bible Study (Tuesday 10 – 11:30 a.m.)
Come Join us! “Eucharist in Scripture”
In The Eucharist in Scripture, discover God’s plan as it is expressed through the Bible and the liturgy. This six-lesson study, presented by Dr. Scott Hahn, will unlock the meaning of covenant, sacrifice, and sacrament as understood in the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation.
The liturgical content and context of the Bible remain relevant to Catholics today. In three powerful presentations, The Eucharist in Scripture reveals the message of God’s love for us in. This study includes three foundational talks: “The Lamb’s Supper,” “The Fourth Cup,” and “Consuming the Word.”
Begins January 21st – St. Francis Catholic Church (Assisi Center)
Interested and want to learn more please call Susan Edwards or Kimm Sarosi
Martes Estudio Bíblico (7 -8 pm)

Estudio: Libro del Génesis
Bio: Freisy Bobadilla es un formador, predicador y escritor Dominicano. Formado en Sagrada Escritura en República Dominicana y ha impartido clases de Biblia en República Dominicana y Florida, además de manera virtual, donde asisten a sus clases personas de Bolivia, Colombia, Panamá, México, Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos. Es escritor de dos libros: Formando Líderes Conforme a Cristo e Intercesión Instrumento de la gracia, ambos traducidos también al inglés y publicados en Amazon. Su labor predicadora lo ha llevado alrededor de muchas comunidades, a lo largo de Estados Unidos, impartiendo retiros y enseñando a otros el amor por la palabra de Dios.
Gospel Group
Explore the meaning and context of the Gospel for each coming Sunday. This group meets each Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Parish Library throughout the year, except during most holiday weeks. Open format – drop in any weeks that you are available.
For more information contact Julie Dreyer (734-945-7861).
New to Bible Study?
We recommend starting with the “Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation” bible study that tells the biblical story from beginning to end and will give you the keys to understanding the amazing story woven throughout Scripture.
In this revolutionary approach to Bible study, The Bible Timeline divides the Bible into twelve color-coded time periods that make the narrative thread easier to follow. Using a unique color-coded chart, you will learn the major people, places, and events of the Bible and discover how they all come together to reveal the remarkable story of our Faith.
The Bible Timeline will teach you how to read and understand the entire Bible and introduce you to the wonderful narrative of Scripture in a way that will transform your life.
Would you be willing to facilitate a group for our parish family? (materials provided)
Contact Kelly Hernandez for more info: khernandez [@]; (734) 821-2122