Middle school choir is open to all students grades sixth through eighth. This is a great opportunity to expand your vocal skills by singing in 3 part harmony and by singing alone as a cantor during Mass. The choir will sing at some school Masses, a few Sunday Masses, the Parish Picnic Mass, the Christmas Eve Mass, and the eighth grade Graduation Mass. We also sing at the Christmas Program and other performances throughout the year.
For More Information
Please contact, School Choir Director Mrs. Laura Bogan, at lbogan@stfrancisaa.org or 734-821-2200
Fundraising Opportunity!

Please join us in a special fundraiser to support our Fine Arts program. As per tradition, we are offering Dearborn Brand meat products, perfect for holiday feasts, and – new this year! – Nutty Biscotti & Treat Trek delicious goodies. The profit from each item purchased goes into our families’ Fine Arts account. Fine Arts funds may be used towards choir trips (for example, the Pueri Cantores trip to Rome) and other pre-approved expenses, like Blue Lake Fine Arts camp and instrument purchases.
Nutty Biscotti & Treat Trek: Nutty Biscotti and Treat Trek are sweet delights created by long-time St. Francis parishioners and parents of SFA alumni, a terrific accompaniment for any meal or hostess gift for the any season. Nutty Biscotti stays fresh for up to four months and we recommend enjoying your Treat Trek cookies by the “Best By” date on the package, to ensure freshness and quality.

Orders are due by 8:00 PM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2
Order pick-up THURSDAY, APRIL 17 3:00-5:00 PM in the PAC Kitchen