The Sacrament of Anointing is an opportunity for us to celebrate the healing presence of Christ in our midst. It is a way to transform our experience of suffering and evil and an opportunity to discover the power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, in the warmth of human touch and the support of a community of believers.
Anyone who is ill or is to be hospitalized is encouraged to receive the Sacrament. Please extend an invitation to someone you know who is in need of Christ’s healing grace, whether it is emotional, physical, or spiritual. Throughout the year, we are happy to celebrate this sacrament after the 9:15 am weekday Mass.
Individual reception of the sacrament can be arranged any time throughout the year by contacting the Parish Office at or 734-821-2100.
You may also contact our Prayer Ministry, and let your Parish support you in prayer during your time of physical, emotional, or spiritual need.